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Thought Leadership

Read some of my published work on Jewish leadership and congregational life.

Thought Leadership: Text

Strong Congregational Leadership Requires Sacred Partnership

Leaders holding hands

eJewish Philanthropy

"Our lives and work depend on partnerships. In Jewish communities, these partnerships can be among volunteers, paid professionals, or lay and professional leaders. These partnerships are sacred and should be treated as such..."

4 Ways to Cultivate Sacred Partnerships

Two leaders partnering to connect pieces of a puzzle

URJ's Inside Leadership Blog

"A congregation can truly thrive only when there are deep relationships among its lay and professional leaders. You may wonder: How can I create the foundation for such relationships and continue developing them? Although it is an ongoing process, here are four tips to get you started..."

4 Ways to Succeed as a Leader

A leader elevating in the right direction

eJewish Philanthropy

"Whether you’re new to leadership, a longtime veteran, or haven’t yet entered the leadership ranks, you can have an impact on your congregation. There are four key concepts that all leaders – lay or professional, emerging or experienced – need to embrace..."

How to Get New Congregational Leaders into the Pipeline

A pipeline

URJ's Inside Leadership Blog

"One of the most frequent questions congregational leaders across North America ask is: 'How can we find new leaders?' Although the process may seem mysterious, it’s actually not complex. Creating and filling a leadership pipeline includes three steps..."

5 Ways to Invest in Forward-Thinking Leadership Development

A leader mapping out a puzzle

URJ's Inside Leadership Blog

"As our secular and religious communities become more diverse and complex, leadership development requires increasingly intentional and well thought out programs. These five principles can help you invest in constant, deliberate, and forward-thinking leadership development to support new and long-term leaders..."

3 Reflective Questions for Emerging Leaders to Explore

A leader setting steps for another

URJ's Inside Leadership Blog

"Every leader, new or veteran, must learn about and reflect upon certain overarching principles to prepare for a congregational leadership role. The most fundamental elements in any congregational leadership development efforts revolve around three reflective questions that should be explored and addressed regularly..."

Thought Leadership: Past Events
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